rutu chaudhari

More 'Loaf Love

Police Officers Wanted!

The Dharma Project is doing a 10 week pilot program for police officers. We are in search of officers to enroll in the pilot. The program includes 10 sessions, one hour each session. The program will cover physical movement, breathing techniques and meditation practices to help officers reduces stress and be at their mental and physical best. 

This 10 week program can help demonstrate the opportunity for a year-round program for officers, with a curriculum that can be implemented in their ongoing training.

Dharma is the Umbrella

According to the Vedas (the oldest scriptures known to man, which came out of India), there are four major reasons for life. They are:

  1. Dharma: pursuit of purpose
  2. Artha: acquisition of material wealth
  3. Kama: experience of pleasure
  4. Moksha: spiritual exploration

The Vedas explains that the latter three are contingent on Dharma. That means that the amount of wealth you acquire, the amount of pleasure you experience, and even the amount of time and energy you spend on spiritual practices depends entirely on your pursuit of purpose. Anything beyond what is required for living your purpose is excess and fuels the ego. Discovering your purpose, then, becomes the most meaningful life endeavor. Everything else you do is clarified by that purpose.


quiet joy
peaceful trust
luminous hope

- The Mother

Level I Yoga Teacher Certification 

All Life is Yoga's 2017-2018 teacher certification dates are set! This training is appropriate for anyone who wants to deepen their personal practice, understand the why of yoga asana, pranayama, nutrition, meditation, anatomy, alignment, energetics, philosophy, sequencing, service...and learn to teach with confidence.

August 19th-20th
September 9th-10th
September 23rd-24th
October 21st-22nd
November 11th-12th
December 2nd-3rd
January 6th-7th
February 10th-11th
February 17th-18th

For more information and to apply, contact Rutu

Brad Waites is Coming to Atlanta!

There are so many things I love about assisting Aadil in the 500 hour Teacher Training. For one, I spend two weeks learning from one of the most brilliant minds of our time, I get to support the flowering open of a group of teachers in training and spend time with colleagues and friends, but my favorite is having dinner with Aadil every night. The diversity of cuisine that is created to the stories of B.K.S. Iyengar, Indian mythology, yoga philosophy, relationships (yep, he is pretty interested in my dating life), the music, the jokes...It's a once in a lifetime kind of experience. Feeling blessed! 

The Dharma Project, Fellowships and Pitching

This past week my Fellowship with Center for Civic Innovation officially ended. It's been quite a growing experience. Along with learning how to develop The Dharma Project as a sustainable nonprofit, I've had the opportunity to learn with six other social entrepreneurs that are building powerful organizations. I have developed a lasting community of friends, colleagues and support structure. 

A Day Without Women

On this International Women's Day, women all over the country are on strike with a protest called 'A Day Without a Woman.' This protest is in opposition to Donald Trump, inequality in pay, devaluation of women led occupations, reproductive rights, etc.

Things to do:
1. Don't go to work
2. Don't spend money, unless you support a small, woman and minority owned businesses.
3. Wear red in solidarity

I'm curious to hear from you. Are you taking the day to protest? What are your thoughts on this protest? Is this protest a luxury? Who can afford to participate? 

I am celebrating International Women's Day by honoring the women chefs, farmers and artisans in our city at the Lady Locavores Event. Atlanta has an incredible urban agriculture community that I am so proud to support. Eat local, ya'll. 

Frenetic to Fearless

Join Rutu March 11th from 12-4pm for a master practice. This practice is designed to strengthen the nervous system, widen your perspective and open your heart. The program will include 30 minutes meditation at the start and end of session, 2 hour of strong asana (postures), 30 minutes of pranayama (intricate breathing techniques) and a deep, guided savasana (repose). 

2017 is a big election year for Atlanta! We are electing a new mayor, city council and school board. If you care about the challenges our city faces this is a good year to get engaged. Our current government acts as a good reminder for us that all issues are local and that's where we have power to change our city. I want to plug Center for Civic Innovation's Leadership Breakfasts. CCI is hosting the mayoral candidates for a discussion on their background, their passion and their action steps for creating a future Atlanta we all want to live in. The Leadership Breakfast's are free to members, one of the many reasons to become a member of CCI. So far I've learned more about Al Bartell and Mary Norwood. The next breakfast is Tuesday, March 14th with Peter Aman. I hope to see you there. 

Holiday Schedule

Thank you for being at the studio and showing up for your practice during this seemingly tragic year. Despair leads to inaction, so my resolution for 2017 is a commitment to action.  I'm excited for the growth of the studio. Our growth is quality. I'm thankful for our student base. Your dedication to your practice and desire to leave a kinder imprint on the planet inspires me. I'm excited about The Dharma Project. The fellowship I'm going through at Center for Civic Innovation is helping mold a beautiful mission for an inclusive, thoughtful yoga culture and city. We'll get to see some of it finally move in 2017. I look forward to sharing more about this soon. 

The studio typically closes the last week of the year, but some of the teachers wanted to teach their classes. I am going to take the week off to relax and prepare mentally, emotionally and physically for the year ahead. Narin is also out of town for the holidays. Please visit our website linked below for the complete schedule. 

Enjoy your time with family and friends this week! 


Frenetic to Fearless

Saturday, December 10
12:00pm- 2:15pm
Location: All Life is Yoga

Join me this Saturday for a master practice. This is my current home practice to strengthen my nervous system, widen my perspective and open my heart. The program will include 15 minutes meditation at the start and end of session, 1 hour of strong asana (postures), 30 minutes of pranayama (intricate breathing techniques) and a deep, guided savasana (repose).

Investment: $35

I Already Failed! - All Life is Yoga

We completed the second module of our 200 Hour Purna Yoga Teacher Training this weekend. On Sunday we focused on foundations of living and incorporated what Aadil calls, "21 Day Experiments". These are a list of practices that cultivate character. Each student is to pick one to practice for the next 21 days. It takes 21 days to create a new nerve synapsis, a new habit. If you miss the opportunity to practice your experiment, you must start over to day one. Is what I'm about to say kind, true and necessary is my experiment for the next 21 days.

If all three of these components are not present, then I will practice restraint in my communication. Most of you know that I am a direct person. My communication may not have malice, but it is not cushioned. I'm learning that, for me, effective communication must have kindness, truth and necessity.

Monday was Day 1 of my experiment. I had a conversation with my sister and I failed at my 21 Day Experiment. My communication was not kind or necessary, though true :)

There is a reason why Ahimsa (nonviolence) comes before Satya (truth) in the Yamas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. If I cannot speak my truth with kindness, I am only creating more violence on this planet. If I cannot speak my truth with kindness, is it necessary? I at least get points for being aware of my failures? Yes and No. I'm back to Day 1!

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 October 8-9th

We need more restorative yoga classes and teachers in this world! The practice settles the nerves, quiets the monkey mind, heals the body, teaches the value of surrender and receptivity and over time can create a paradigm shift. A practice with purpose can move us from violence to love. I’m am offering a Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level I & II this fall. We will cover asana, anatomy and physiology, benefits, contraindications, sequencing, nutrition and lifestyle and meditation. We will discuss the value of rest and how to teach students one of the hardest practices- the art of letting go and allowing oneself to be held, supported and heal.

There is no pre-requisite for this training. You do not have to be a current yoga teacher nor want to become a yoga teacher. A desire to create a home practice of restoratives is a great reason to do this training. A solid home practice is the foundation for an effective, dynamic teacher anyway.

Level 1 establishes the foundations of Restorative Yoga: the essential postures, as well as anatomy, benefits, contraindications, and modifications. Level 2 will continue with more intermediate postures that are not accessible to beginner students, but powerful for those who have a strong asana practice. Level 1 is a pre-requisite for Level 2.

When: Level I October 8th&9th from 10am-7pm Cost: $325 early bird paid by Sept. 1st. $350 after that.

Register today to get the early bird rate!