Upcoming Events

Dharma is the Umbrella

According to the Vedas (the oldest scriptures known to man, which came out of India), there are four major reasons for life. They are:

  1. Dharma: pursuit of purpose
  2. Artha: acquisition of material wealth
  3. Kama: experience of pleasure
  4. Moksha: spiritual exploration

The Vedas explains that the latter three are contingent on Dharma. That means that the amount of wealth you acquire, the amount of pleasure you experience, and even the amount of time and energy you spend on spiritual practices depends entirely on your pursuit of purpose. Anything beyond what is required for living your purpose is excess and fuels the ego. Discovering your purpose, then, becomes the most meaningful life endeavor. Everything else you do is clarified by that purpose.


quiet joy
peaceful trust
luminous hope

- The Mother

Level I Yoga Teacher Certification 

All Life is Yoga's 2017-2018 teacher certification dates are set! This training is appropriate for anyone who wants to deepen their personal practice, understand the why of yoga asana, pranayama, nutrition, meditation, anatomy, alignment, energetics, philosophy, sequencing, service...and learn to teach with confidence.

August 19th-20th
September 9th-10th
September 23rd-24th
October 21st-22nd
November 11th-12th
December 2nd-3rd
January 6th-7th
February 10th-11th
February 17th-18th

For more information and to apply, contact Rutu

Inman Park Festival Schedule Changes

Due to the street closings for the Inman Park Festival, All Life is Yoga will be closed this Saturday and Sunday, April 29th & 30th for it's 10am classes. Instead, we will be offering a free yoga class in partnership with The Community Farmer's Market at Grant Park on Sunday, April 30th from 10:30-11:30am. Check our Event Page for details. We hope to see you there!

Brad Waites Workshop This Saturday

I'm excited to announce that Brad Waites is coming to Atlanta to teach a workshop on April 22nd! Brad is a fellow Purna Yoga teacher, certified at the 2,000 hour level, who communicates the methodology of Purna Yoga with clarity and precision, while offering students guidance and support as they create purpose-driven change.

Learn more about Brad here and read the workshop descriptions + register online →

Ashley's New Class: Monday Night Delight


I am so excited to start teaching Form & Function on Monday nights from 6:45-7:45pm. One thing we’ll be working on is balancing the feeling of peace and delight while working our bodies in the poses.

I know my practice is going well when a gentle smile arrives on my face while holding a pose. This has not been happening while taking photos for my upcoming yoga website. In some of the pictures, my face is so tense and I kind of look miserable. I think it’s related to trying to perfect the pose for the picture. So, now in my practice I’m working on just feeling the benefits of what I am able to do at the moment and not forcing myself to perfect the pose.

The yoga sutras define asana as follows:

Whatever asana is performed, it should be done with a feeling of firmness, steadiness and endurance in the body, goodwill in the intelligence of the head, and awareness and delight in the intelligence of the heart. This is how each asana should be understood, practiced and experienced. Performance of the asana should be nourishing and illuminative.
— B.K.S. Iyengar's Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

I read this passage often and will read it to you all pretty regularly. I'm looking forward to starting this class in March! 


Frenetic to Fearless

Saturday, December 10
12:00pm- 2:15pm
Location: All Life is Yoga

Join me this Saturday for a master practice. This is my current home practice to strengthen my nervous system, widen my perspective and open my heart. The program will include 15 minutes meditation at the start and end of session, 1 hour of strong asana (postures), 30 minutes of pranayama (intricate breathing techniques) and a deep, guided savasana (repose).

Investment: $35

New, Shiny, Pretty!

Our website is finally complete! YAY. This was a beast of a project. Thank you to Sarah Corbett for all the care and patience you brought to the process of building the site, Mark Leibert for your creative contribution and Narin and Helme for your, too much to articulate, contributions. It has been an amazing process of clarifying who we are and what it is that All Life is Yoga does. Along with revamping the website, we have made some additional changes.

First, we renamed our classes. We now offer Form and Function, which is our classic Purna Yoga class, Empower Hour provides vigor with a continuous flow from one posture to the next, and Slow Stretch and Rest provides a calming restorative option. Some of the class times have also changed so please review the website for latest updates. 

Second, We are bringing back the monthly unlimited for $99 with a three month autopay contract.

Third, we're offering a New Student Special. 10 classes for $35 with a 2 month expiration. What! That's crazy! I know. We have learned from so many students that our practice becomes indispensable after about 10 sessions. The initial sessions are an adjustment for the mind and body to a new approach of asana and meditation - by the tenth class you will crave the alignment, poise, and centeredness Purna Yoga creates. Please tell your friends and family and help us grow this beautiful, transformative practice. 

Finally, remember that we now offer Sliding Scale classes. $0-Priceless. Share this opportunity with people in your life that experience financial barriers to practicing yoga. We have postcards with our schedule at the studio that you may take to pass around. Spread the love! 

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level I October 8-9th
All Life is Yoga - Atlanta, GA Register

Restorative Training starts this weekend and there is still time to sign up! This training will cover asana, anatomy and physiology, benefits, contraindications, sequencing, nutrition and lifestyle, and meditation. There is no pre-requisite for Level I - teachers and students of all levels are encouraged to deepen their practice with this Restorative training!

Purna Yoga Workshop with Aadil November 18-20th
Triad Yoga - Greensboro, NC Register

This workshop isn't one to miss! Aadil will be going over how to understand the sacrum in standing poses, how to do shirshasana safely, backbends, reversing exhaustion, healing headaches, cultivating a strong back & life, and more! The workshop begins on Friday night and lasts through Sunday. We'll see you there!

All Life is Yoga provides tools for mastery of your body, mind and life. This practice is accessible to any body type. We provide a non-competitive, inclusive and safe environment giving students the space become stronger, stretch without injury and progress at their pace. 

Brad Waites in Asheville at One Center Yoga


I've been on a blog writing sabbatical for the past couple of months. Some of it is for personal reasons, but mostly because between managing a yoga studio, teaching yoga classes and privates full time, running a 200 hour yoga teacher training, writing a curriculum for a restorative teacher training, re-doing our website (stay tuned!), starting a non-profit, writing and testing the curriculum for the non-profit, going through a fellowship to learn how to run a non-profit, renovating my house...umm...eating, sleeping(sometimes), having a personal practice (but no personal life)...my cup is brimming with adventure. My live is amazing right now. I have never felt so clear about my direction even though the details are nebulous and I'm terrified most of the time. 

It's left me little time to blog but I'm writing and reflecting everyday. This year has brought me so much insight and I can't wait to share with you again but, for now, I am writing to share about my friend and Purna Yoga colleague, Brad Waites.

I was the second group to go through the 2,000 hour Purna Yoga training in 2006. The first day of my training we were told that we would get a mentor from the group that was one year ahead of us. We picked these names out of a basket. I didn't know who this person was, never met him or spoke to him, but I knew I wanted Brad Waites as my mentor! And when the basket came to me, I selected Brad Waites! He's an incredible teacher, with tremendous insight and a lens of the Purna Yoga practice that satisfies my body, my mind and my soul! 

Brad is gonna be teaching a workshop a few hours away in the beautiful city of Asheville, hosted by the lovely Letitia Walker at One Center Yoga. I hope you'll join us for a transformative weekend. 

For Details and Registration, click this link . Oh, and today is the last day to receive the early bird special!