restorative yoga

Early-Birds! Register today for our Restorative Yoga Teacher Training →


Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level 1
 Level I October 8th & 9th from 10am-7pm
Cost: $325 early bird paid by Sept. 1st. $350 after that.

Register today to get the early bird rate! 

We need more restorative yoga classes and teachers in this world! The practice settles the nerves, quiets the monkey mind, heals the body, teaches the value of surrender and receptivity and over time can create a paradigm shift. A practice with purpose can move us from violence to love.

I’m am offering a Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level I & II this fall. We will cover asana, anatomy and physiology, benefits, contraindications, sequencing, nutrition and lifestyle and meditation. We will discuss the value of rest and how to teach students one of the hardest practices- the art of letting go and allowing oneself to be held, supported and heal.

There is no pre-requisite for this training. You do not have to be a current yoga teacher nor want to become a yoga teacher. A desire to create a home practice of restoratives is a great reason to do this training. A solid home practice is the foundation for an effective, dynamic teacher anyway.

Level 1 establishes the foundations of Restorative Yoga: the essential postures, as well as anatomy, benefits, contraindications, and modifications. Level 2 will continue with more intermediate postures that are not accessible to beginner students, but powerful for those who have a strong asana practice. Level 1 is a pre-requisite for Level 2.

Let us know you'll be joining us! RSVP here.

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 October 8-9th

We need more restorative yoga classes and teachers in this world! The practice settles the nerves, quiets the monkey mind, heals the body, teaches the value of surrender and receptivity and over time can create a paradigm shift. A practice with purpose can move us from violence to love. I’m am offering a Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level I & II this fall. We will cover asana, anatomy and physiology, benefits, contraindications, sequencing, nutrition and lifestyle and meditation. We will discuss the value of rest and how to teach students one of the hardest practices- the art of letting go and allowing oneself to be held, supported and heal.

There is no pre-requisite for this training. You do not have to be a current yoga teacher nor want to become a yoga teacher. A desire to create a home practice of restoratives is a great reason to do this training. A solid home practice is the foundation for an effective, dynamic teacher anyway.

Level 1 establishes the foundations of Restorative Yoga: the essential postures, as well as anatomy, benefits, contraindications, and modifications. Level 2 will continue with more intermediate postures that are not accessible to beginner students, but powerful for those who have a strong asana practice. Level 1 is a pre-requisite for Level 2.

When: Level I October 8th&9th from 10am-7pm Cost: $325 early bird paid by Sept. 1st. $350 after that.

Register today to get the early bird rate!

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training And Class At ALIY

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders - Chuang Tzu

I began teaching the first weekly restorative yoga class in Atlanta in 2005. Every Friday night, we would meet from 6:15 to 7:45pm in the downstairs studio of Yoga Samadhi—which is now All Life is Yoga. It was the most popular class on the schedule at the time, and we managed to squeeze 20+ people into the small room, plus bolsters, blocks, straps, blankets... As a teacher, it was a whirlwind! It was one of the most challenging and rewarding classes I ever taught.

I truly love the restorative practice; I think it’s one of the most important practices to incorporate into your weekly regimen. The intention is not to stretch muscles, but instead to relax them. Like Shavasana, restoratives are the ultimate practice of surrender. You train the muscles, mind, and emotions to let go, and this releases tension in the nervous system, calms the mind, and opens the potential for change.

Restorative Yoga is beneficial for all levels of students, as it provides a balance to our active, often hectic lifestyles. It is accessible for those recovering from injury, and nurturing for women during pregnancy and monthly period cycles. The restorative practice reduces anxiety, stress, and high blood pressure, and nourishes the organic body, especially kidney and adrenal function.

All Life is Yoga has two offerings to encourage the practice and teaching of restorative yoga in Atlanta.

  • Narin Hassan will offer a weekly restorative yoga class on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30pm. This is a donation-based class, which means you can use your class card or pay an alternate amount based on your financial means.
  • Restorative Yoga Teacher Training: Level 1 (October 8th & 9th) and Level 2 (December 3rd & 4th). I am so excited to offer a training for those who are interested in deepening their restorative practice, and for those who want to teach this healing work. Level 1 establishes the foundations of Restorative Yoga: the essential postures, as well as anatomy, benefits, contraindications, and modifications. Level 2 will continue with more intermediate postures that are not accessible to beginner students, but powerful for those who have a strong asana practice. There will also be meditation, nutrition, and lifestyle education, and philosophy that supports rest, healing, and rejuvenation. Save the dates! More details and registration information to come.