Brad Waites in Asheville at One Center Yoga


I've been on a blog writing sabbatical for the past couple of months. Some of it is for personal reasons, but mostly because between managing a yoga studio, teaching yoga classes and privates full time, running a 200 hour yoga teacher training, writing a curriculum for a restorative teacher training, re-doing our website (stay tuned!), starting a non-profit, writing and testing the curriculum for the non-profit, going through a fellowship to learn how to run a non-profit, renovating my house...umm...eating, sleeping(sometimes), having a personal practice (but no personal life) cup is brimming with adventure. My live is amazing right now. I have never felt so clear about my direction even though the details are nebulous and I'm terrified most of the time. 

It's left me little time to blog but I'm writing and reflecting everyday. This year has brought me so much insight and I can't wait to share with you again but, for now, I am writing to share about my friend and Purna Yoga colleague, Brad Waites.

I was the second group to go through the 2,000 hour Purna Yoga training in 2006. The first day of my training we were told that we would get a mentor from the group that was one year ahead of us. We picked these names out of a basket. I didn't know who this person was, never met him or spoke to him, but I knew I wanted Brad Waites as my mentor! And when the basket came to me, I selected Brad Waites! He's an incredible teacher, with tremendous insight and a lens of the Purna Yoga practice that satisfies my body, my mind and my soul! 

Brad is gonna be teaching a workshop a few hours away in the beautiful city of Asheville, hosted by the lovely Letitia Walker at One Center Yoga. I hope you'll join us for a transformative weekend. 

For Details and Registration, click this link . Oh, and today is the last day to receive the early bird special! 

We'll see you at the Grant Park Farmers Market!

This week I enjoyed writing the recipe for one of my favorite Indian comfort foods, Khichdi. Measuring ingredients is a challenge that I am slowly learning to enjoy. Thank you Katie Hayes and Community Farmers Market for including me in your fall cook book. Stayed tuned for it's release. Here's why I think we could all use some khichdi in our diet.

Growing up in a Gujarati household, there were many things I could expect to see in the kitchen: mango pickle jars varying from sweet to sour to spicy, a gallon-size jar of turmeric powder, and khichdi at least twice a week. Khichdi is a rice and lentil dish eaten throughout Indian communities, and it’s still a staple in our household today. It engages all the senses and, if you’re eating it properly, animates the body. Your entire house should shake as you churn it into a mash, which will only enhance its ability to be digested.

Khichdi is easy to prepare, easy to digest, and incredibly nourishing; it’s basically the Indian chicken soup. It’s gluten free and vegan, and along with being a complete protein and an excellent source of fiber, it provides carbohydrates, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins. Because of these many qualities, khichdi is not only my go-to comfort food, but an indispensable part of my diet when my schedule gets hectic. It’s often referred to as the perfect yogi food—and since I’m a yoga teacher, I was clearly born to eat this!

Each season, Community Farmers Markets releases a cookbook featuring recipes and stories from the individuals who come together each week to make our farmers markets happen: farmers, vendors, market supporters, and chefs. The Fall cookbook will be for sale at their farmers markets very soon. Learn more at

Stop by our tent at The Grant Park Farmers Market this Sunday to learn about All Life is Yoga, our teachers, and even take a free class in the park!

Rutu is teaching a free class at the market every first Sunday of the month from 11:00AM-12:00PM. Bring your mat, grab some produce, and enjoy a beautiful morning with us and our favorite farmers. 

Find our booth this Sunday and say hello! Class starts at 11:00AM on the green - if you have trouble finding us, check with the help booth at the front of the market. See you Sunday!

Let us know you'll be joining us - RSVP.

The Grant Park Farmers Market is located in the area surrounding the Milledge fountain at the Corner of Cherokee Avenue and Milledge Avenue, at 600 Cherokee Ave. 

Early-Birds! Register today for our Restorative Yoga Teacher Training →


Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level 1
 Level I October 8th & 9th from 10am-7pm
Cost: $325 early bird paid by Sept. 1st. $350 after that.

Register today to get the early bird rate! 

We need more restorative yoga classes and teachers in this world! The practice settles the nerves, quiets the monkey mind, heals the body, teaches the value of surrender and receptivity and over time can create a paradigm shift. A practice with purpose can move us from violence to love.

I’m am offering a Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level I & II this fall. We will cover asana, anatomy and physiology, benefits, contraindications, sequencing, nutrition and lifestyle and meditation. We will discuss the value of rest and how to teach students one of the hardest practices- the art of letting go and allowing oneself to be held, supported and heal.

There is no pre-requisite for this training. You do not have to be a current yoga teacher nor want to become a yoga teacher. A desire to create a home practice of restoratives is a great reason to do this training. A solid home practice is the foundation for an effective, dynamic teacher anyway.

Level 1 establishes the foundations of Restorative Yoga: the essential postures, as well as anatomy, benefits, contraindications, and modifications. Level 2 will continue with more intermediate postures that are not accessible to beginner students, but powerful for those who have a strong asana practice. Level 1 is a pre-requisite for Level 2.

Let us know you'll be joining us! RSVP here.

I Already Failed! - All Life is Yoga

We completed the second module of our 200 Hour Purna Yoga Teacher Training this weekend. On Sunday we focused on foundations of living and incorporated what Aadil calls, "21 Day Experiments". These are a list of practices that cultivate character. Each student is to pick one to practice for the next 21 days. It takes 21 days to create a new nerve synapsis, a new habit. If you miss the opportunity to practice your experiment, you must start over to day one. Is what I'm about to say kind, true and necessary is my experiment for the next 21 days.

If all three of these components are not present, then I will practice restraint in my communication. Most of you know that I am a direct person. My communication may not have malice, but it is not cushioned. I'm learning that, for me, effective communication must have kindness, truth and necessity.

Monday was Day 1 of my experiment. I had a conversation with my sister and I failed at my 21 Day Experiment. My communication was not kind or necessary, though true :)

There is a reason why Ahimsa (nonviolence) comes before Satya (truth) in the Yamas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. If I cannot speak my truth with kindness, I am only creating more violence on this planet. If I cannot speak my truth with kindness, is it necessary? I at least get points for being aware of my failures? Yes and No. I'm back to Day 1!

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 October 8-9th

We need more restorative yoga classes and teachers in this world! The practice settles the nerves, quiets the monkey mind, heals the body, teaches the value of surrender and receptivity and over time can create a paradigm shift. A practice with purpose can move us from violence to love. I’m am offering a Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Level I & II this fall. We will cover asana, anatomy and physiology, benefits, contraindications, sequencing, nutrition and lifestyle and meditation. We will discuss the value of rest and how to teach students one of the hardest practices- the art of letting go and allowing oneself to be held, supported and heal.

There is no pre-requisite for this training. You do not have to be a current yoga teacher nor want to become a yoga teacher. A desire to create a home practice of restoratives is a great reason to do this training. A solid home practice is the foundation for an effective, dynamic teacher anyway.

Level 1 establishes the foundations of Restorative Yoga: the essential postures, as well as anatomy, benefits, contraindications, and modifications. Level 2 will continue with more intermediate postures that are not accessible to beginner students, but powerful for those who have a strong asana practice. Level 1 is a pre-requisite for Level 2.

When: Level I October 8th&9th from 10am-7pm Cost: $325 early bird paid by Sept. 1st. $350 after that.

Register today to get the early bird rate!

Meet Ashley Erwin - 200 Hour Certified Purna Yoga Teacher

Ashley Erwin began practicing yoga in 2001. She attended various studios in Atlanta and finally felt at home when she found All Life is Yoga. She has been a student of Rutu's since 2011 and completed her 200 hour training at All Life is Yoga in May of 2015. Ashley loves yoga and meditation and her enthusiasm and conviction in Purna yoga's potential to change lives shines through her teaching. Along with being a new part time yoga teacher, she is a new full time mother and part time CPA. When she's not doing yoga, Ashley enjoys reading, listening to music and taking long walks and runs with her daughter, Sally, in the stroller and her dog Toni Collette by her side.

Ashley is one of our most committed students. I especially love the bond we have with meditation. It has been instrumental for her and I've had the pleasure of watching her move through some intense life challenges using the meditation techniques as her rock, and though she make not think so, she was quite graceful through it all.

Join her on Friday mornings from 10-11am for an invigorating and inspiring practice. Her one regular student would also love you to join in!

Click here to view our full schedule of classes.

The Bridge To Sarvangasana

Have you ever been in a yoga class and, while practicing Setu Bhandha Sarvangasana (bridge pose), been instructed to roll your shoulders toward each other and away from your ears? This instruction may have been useful at some point in our history but is no longer relevant, rather, it is counterproductive to a safe and healthy curve in your neck. Here is why:

First of all, we do not need to lengthen the back of the neck. Most of us sit in front of a computer or hover forward all day, which has overly lengthened the back of the neck while shortening the front. We are losing the natural curve of the neck because of our lifestyles. As Aadil would say, “We are no longer fruit pickers.” We are not doing the same things we did a hundred years ago, so why would our practice look the same? It must evolve to suit our current circumstances, and currently we need to open the muscles in the front of the neck to maintain or bring back a natural neck curve.

This posture is the “bridge” to Sarvangasana, or shoulder stand—the most powerful and necessary posture in our practice. Sarvangasana represents the feminine. It’s cooling, softening, calming, healing but to achieve these effects requires a tremendous amount of flexibility. It’s one of the most beneficial postures and also one of the most injurious if practiced without awareness. Shoulder stand is performed correctly when C7, the base of your neck, is off the ground. Only then can the shoulders safely bear the weight of the pose. This is why we use pads to support the neck in Sarvangasana; it creates a neck curve that fully supports C7. Most people do not have the flexibility necessary to bear the weight of the body on their shoulders without straining the neck. Even though you are not bearing the full weight of your body while in Setu Bhandha Sarvangasana, the opening required to achieve the pose is similar and prepares the body for Sarvangasana. In both postures, the potential is high for the neck bones to drop out of their natural curve if weight is placed upon them. If practiced for years in this way, the neck can be seriously damaged.

As a teacher, you should look for two things in your students’ necks:

  1. C7 is off the ground, indicating that the student is maintaining a natural curve in their neck.
  2. The back of the neck is soft and you cannot feel the bones of the neck. Examine your students’ positioning regularly, and modify by adding blankets or pads under their shoulders until they develop the flexibility necessary to do the pose safely.

Other position points: Check to see that your students’ feet are hip distance apart, knees are hip distance apart and situated directly above the ankles and shoulders are rolled under.

Once correct position is established, teach actions.

Actions: Press heels into the floor and lift sacrum up and away from head. Lift the pit of the abdomen towards the chest. Press upper arms into the floor and lift the sides of the waist. Externally rotate shoulders and drop the weight of the shoulders into the floor. Soften the throat and face. Smile!

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training And Class At ALIY

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders - Chuang Tzu

I began teaching the first weekly restorative yoga class in Atlanta in 2005. Every Friday night, we would meet from 6:15 to 7:45pm in the downstairs studio of Yoga Samadhi—which is now All Life is Yoga. It was the most popular class on the schedule at the time, and we managed to squeeze 20+ people into the small room, plus bolsters, blocks, straps, blankets... As a teacher, it was a whirlwind! It was one of the most challenging and rewarding classes I ever taught.

I truly love the restorative practice; I think it’s one of the most important practices to incorporate into your weekly regimen. The intention is not to stretch muscles, but instead to relax them. Like Shavasana, restoratives are the ultimate practice of surrender. You train the muscles, mind, and emotions to let go, and this releases tension in the nervous system, calms the mind, and opens the potential for change.

Restorative Yoga is beneficial for all levels of students, as it provides a balance to our active, often hectic lifestyles. It is accessible for those recovering from injury, and nurturing for women during pregnancy and monthly period cycles. The restorative practice reduces anxiety, stress, and high blood pressure, and nourishes the organic body, especially kidney and adrenal function.

All Life is Yoga has two offerings to encourage the practice and teaching of restorative yoga in Atlanta.

  • Narin Hassan will offer a weekly restorative yoga class on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30pm. This is a donation-based class, which means you can use your class card or pay an alternate amount based on your financial means.
  • Restorative Yoga Teacher Training: Level 1 (October 8th & 9th) and Level 2 (December 3rd & 4th). I am so excited to offer a training for those who are interested in deepening their restorative practice, and for those who want to teach this healing work. Level 1 establishes the foundations of Restorative Yoga: the essential postures, as well as anatomy, benefits, contraindications, and modifications. Level 2 will continue with more intermediate postures that are not accessible to beginner students, but powerful for those who have a strong asana practice. There will also be meditation, nutrition, and lifestyle education, and philosophy that supports rest, healing, and rejuvenation. Save the dates! More details and registration information to come.

Congratulations To WE! Introducing The Dharma Project - Center for Civic Innovation Fellowship

Since last year I have been on a quest to clarify how the work I do can be of more value in Atlanta. I love teaching yoga and our community AND feel that we're not reaching so many that can benefit from this practice. Diversity, inclusivity and access are some of the major issues I wanted to address and so, The Dharma Project was born. With the help of some amazing people I have been able to formulate a beautiful vision and mission for our non-profit and now, I am ready to learn the skills needed to grow our organization in the most beautiful and impactful way. 70 people applied. 20 finalists. 8 fellows selected! I am thrilled to be a part of this amazing cohort of individuals embarking on six months of mentorship for their social enterprise with the Center for Civic Innovation. From the first panel discussion I attended at CCI, I knew I needed to somehow be involved with this organization. Now I get to study and learn from some of the finest in the city.

Here is the story of the eight social entrepreneurs that were selected for the inaugural Civic Innovation Fellowship. I get to spend the next six months with these amazing people! To read the entire story click to this link.

  • Alexander Acosta, Soul Food Cypher: Soul Food Cypher utilizes the power of freestyle rap and lyricism to transform the lives of individuals and their communities. They are an organization that showcases the positive aspects of hip hop culture through our cypher events, membership program, and community outreach.
  • Joshua Brown, The Center for Children with Incarcerated Parents of America:The Center for Children with Incarcerated Parents of America is a minority and veteran operated community-based organization whose mission is to divert parental and intergenerational incarceration, by helping at-risk, low-income individuals to stabilize their lives economically and reach their leadership potential in the community.
  • Monica Campana, Living Walls, The City Speaks: Living Walls seeks to promote, educate and change perspectives about our public space via street art. With their mission we aim to address blight, neglected public spaces, connection between people in their communities, and access to free thought-provoking art in the public space.
  • Rutu Chaudhari, The Dharma Project: The Dharma Project's mission is to educate, empower, and employ populations that face financial and/or social barriers to the transformative power of yoga. They introduce vulnerable populations to yoga and healthy lifestyle practices, and train individuals from those communities to teach yogic practices on their own, creating a cycle of wellness that continues to spread in underserved communities.
  • Marian Liou, We Love BuHi: We Love BuHi envisions a safe, attractive, fun, livable and inclusive Buford Highway corridor. The organization seeks to catalyze the area's revitalization through creative, collaborative placemaking showcasing the area's diversity.
  • Reginald Maisonneuve, eDea, LLC: eDea is dedicated to advancing the financial well-­being of individuals and communities and giving institutions the means to better serve them. Through the innovative use of technology, we define, visualize and quantify financial health to help people understand, achieve and maintain financial well-being.
  • Jeffrey Martín, honorCode: honorCode's purpose is to empower schools to build the capacity for tomorrow's world. They provide curriculum and training to schools to bring more web development into the general K12 classroom.
  • Susanna Spiccia, re:imagine/ATL: re:imagine/ATL is a nonprofit organization that equips youth from all backgrounds to share their stories through multimedia production, activating youth through project-based learning to positively impact their community.

The Plane of the Sun - Surya Namaskar


Tuesday, June 21st is International Yoga Day. It’s also a day after the summer solstice. I’d like to do a special donation only practice of the Classical Surya Namaskar for my Tuesdayevening, 6:30pm class.

The Classical Surya Namaskar (CSN) is the oldest known series. Whereas most asana developed within the past 150 years, there is evidence that the CSN has been around for thousands of years. For thousands of years, yogis have practiced this series in a very specific way to create very specific effects. So when I have students come to class wanting to modify the postures because they think they are more advanced than the seemingly elementary postures being done in the CSN I am adamant about explaining that there is no reason to change something that is perfect. Our limited minds think high lunges and Chatturanga Danadasana are most advanced than low lunges and ashtanga namaskar. They are not, but that is another blog.

The CSN has been practiced the way it is or good reason. It’s physical and energetic benefits are profound. All movements are done in the plane of the sun, the temporal plane. Every part of the body stays as close to the midline as possible. The hands don’t go out to the sides and the feet stay together. The eyes, like the body, move forward and back with particular points of dhrishti, one pointed focus. These actions create intense mental focus, which strengthens the mind. Energetically, the CSN is a practice of aspiration (for light) and surrender (of ego/darkness). So along with keeping everything at the midline, fixing the eyes on a single point pose to pose, maintaining a steady, deep breath, we also cultivate the qualities we would like to expand in our lives and those that we would like to release. When all the pieces come together and can be practiced with fluidity, you feel an alignment with the solar force and with those who have practiced this for thousands of years. It’s beautiful to be in that flow.

I forgot to mention, physically the CSN increases flexibility of the spine, hips legs, shoulders, stimulates thyroid and adrenal function, invigorates the organs, tones, strengthens and builds endurance, and much, much more....Join me next Tuesday, June 21st for an exploration of perfection in motion.


We've had a wonderful time brining Purna Yoga to farmers markets around Atlanta!

Click each link to learn more!

Ponce City - Tuesdays at 4-5pm
Decatur - Saturday 6/18 at 10-11am
East Atlanta Village - Thursday 6/16 at 6-7pm
Westside Provisions - Sundays at 10-11am

These classes are outdoors  - please arrive a few minutes early and bring a mat. If you have any questions, let us know or visit the information booth at the markets for help. See you at the farmers market!

200 Hour Purna Yoga Teacher Training starts June 11th

"To be well-rounded teachers of yoga, to serve our students with it's priceless gifts, to help each student fully realize the blessings that yoga has to offer, we cannot merely teach asana. It's not about hamstrings--it's about life. Our responsibility is to cultivate human beings, and the asanas are bait. People come merely to get fit, and we offer them a powerful evolutionary process leading to the revelation of Self and the fulfillment of dharma. The true impact of yoga is felt only when the student's entire life changes for the better from the practice." - Aadil Palkhivala from Fire of Love  Teaching is a joy, a privilege and a huge responsibility! This is the last week to register for the 200 Hour Purna Yoga Teacher Training that begins Saturday June 11th, 2016. Learn more about the course and register here.

Contribution Classes

I am so happy to have contribution based classes at All Life is Yoga. I hope to continue to transition the schedule in this direction. I love the feeling of inclusion that is blossoming at the studio.

There seems to be some confusion around the contribution classes for our current student base. I'm sorry for the lack of clarity. You are welcome to attend any of the contribution based classes and pay what you are able. You are able to use your class card but do not have to. You are unable to register for the classes online so come a few minutes early and the teacher will sign you in. Please bring your friends and family and practice with our eager, new teachers.

All Life is Yoga has teamed with CFM to bring free Purna Yoga classes to the community! Upcoming Events:


Ponce City - Tuesdays at 4-5pm
Decatur - Saturday 6/11 & 6/18 at 10-11am
East Atlanta Village - Thursday 6/16 at 6-7pm
Westside - Sunday 6/12 & 6/19 at 10-11am

These classes are outdoors  - please arrive a few minutes early and bring a mat. If you have any questions, let us know or visit the information booth at the markets for help. See you at the farmers market!

The Most Underrated Muscles

I'm currently fascinated by the intercostal muscles: the muscles between each rib. I'm spending a lot of time opening them and learning about their unique position and function in the body. Did you know that the intercostal muscles are the only muscles in front of your thoracic spine? The cervical spine has many muscles in front of it, and the lumbar has the psoas, but the closest muscles to the thoracic spine are the intercostals—and they aren't even attached to the spine itself. How interesting! The intercostals are responsible for 30% of normal breathing. 30%! That’s one-third of our breath capacity, which means that tension in the intercostals equals 30% less oxygen for the body.

And there is definitely tension in the intercostals. Beyond the fact that they are used all the time for breathing, a common problem called “dowager’s hump” is created by sitting at a desk and slouching. Of course carrying grief and sadness from the past also creates tension. These muscles work hard and often, which means that in order to open them, time is required. A thirty-second backbend just won’t do it, even if repeated many times.

When held for 5-10 minutes, postures like the Supported Matsyasana help to undo the tension held in the intercostals, as well as improve breathing, correct posture, remove grief, bring the feeling of joy, and—like all backbends—move you from fear to power. All very important things to work on.

I'll be in Asheville this weekend, teaching more about the intercostals for a Purna Yoga Weekend at One Center Yoga. Other topics for the weekend include Aadil's famous Eye Workshop, a DIY asana detox, the two most important postures in asana: The King and Queen (Shirsahasana and Sarvangasana), and meditation—the reason for your practice. Asheville is only three hours away and it's so beautiful right now. Join me at One Center Yoga June 3-5th.

Also, if you are interested in learning more about the wonder that is your body, join me for the 200 Hour Purna Yoga Teacher Training that starts June 11th, 2016. Preview the curriculum here and register on our website .


Free Classes @ Local Farmers Markets

Ponce City - Starting Tuesday 6/7 at 4pm Decatur - Saturday 6/11 & 6/18 at 10am East Atlanta Village - Thursday 6/16 at 6pm Westside - Sunday 6/19 & 6/26 at 10:30am

Don't forget about our new contribution classes! Click here to view our full schedule + register for classes at All Life is Yoga online.